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The Life of Christ

The life of Jesus Christ is the greatest life we could ever study. Although Christ’s life is viewed by many as an intricate weaving of many events, teachings, and miracles, His life can be simplified into a beautiful portrait. A portrait of a man who came to rescue the people He loved from their desperate sinful condition.

For centuries, scholars, pastors, and individuals have attempted to understand the life of Jesus in greater detail. While on one hand His life may seem complex, everything Jesus did can be viewed as a beautiful story of redemption and grace. On the other hand, the simplification of His life can never overshadow the vastness of Christ’s ministry.

It could be easy to for us to research every aspect of the world Jesus ministered in, the people He ministered to, and the means He ministered through. Every part of Christ’s life is a chance to learn more about who Jesus really was, where He came from, and why He ministered the way He did and to whom He did. His life is the most exciting thing a Christian could ever study. At the same time, it would be easy for us to study the particulars and even the seeming “inerrancies” so much that we lose sight of the simple and majestic wonder of The Father that Christ brought to earth.

So how should we look at the life of Christ without overcomplicating but not losing the greatness of our Lord?

We should believe that all aspects of the life of Jesus were not accidental. From the rise of both the Greek and Roman empires to the country into which Jesus was born – every detail of background, time, or place plays an important role in the man Jesus. The Father had a purpose and plan for everything He did. No detail, whether large or small, was accidental rather they were all orchestrated by God himself.

The textbook Christ in the Synoptic Gospels states this about the life of Jesus: “In the fullness of time Christ came.” What other statement could be more beautiful to our understanding of the life of Jesus Christ? When God had mapped out the plan and set everything up for His birth, Christ came.

With that understanding in mind, we can appreciate and take away the knowledge that God is working the same plan for our own individual lives. We, of course, will never have a life of the same magnitude that Jesus had simply because we are not Christ. But, “In the fullness of time,” is a quote we can apply in our lives. Just as the Father had a blue-print for Jesus’ life, He has one for our lives too. Just as He orchestrated the world for Christ, He orchestrates it for us as well.

May we be encouraged by our realization of the life of Jesus Christ, knowing that in everything, God had a plan. May we take this understanding into our own study of the word of God as we study Jesus’ life. May we grow in the love for the complex yet simple plan God had for our Savior.

Forever Yours,


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