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I Was Diagnosed Blind

Blindness - a word we never expect to hear diagnosed over our eye sight. It is a word we never imagine could be said about our vision. It is a word that will stop our world stop dead in its orbit, make us feel trapped, and cause the darkness to overwhelm. Blindness does exact

ly what the name suggests – it blinds.

We never think this dreaded condition will really ever visit us and take our eyesight as a captive to its dark lonely dungeons. We know that blindness exists, sure. We have all seen someone who is blind and have thought about how terrible it would be if we were, in some outrageous twist of fate, taken hostage in the chains of this dreaded disease and what it would be like if we were to be

diagnosed with a condition that would never allow us to see ever again.

It is so easy to hypothesis about how we would handle the situation if life were to ever present us with it. It is so easy to make ourselves believe that if we were ever given the prognosis of blindness we would continue on and not resign ourselves to live in our own black vortex. But I have to stop and ask myself, how many times has Satan tried to diagnose me with spiritual blindness?

Satan is the father of lies. He loves to make us believe things which are not true. He loves to make us believe something different than reality. He loves to place a title over our lives and circumstances and say that is who we are and all that our situation will ever be. And the truth is, he is really quite good at his job.

How many times have I believed his lie that it is over? How many times have I believed his lie that my situation is hopeless? How many times have I believed his diagnosis – a diagnosis that tells me I will never see light again? A diagnosis that tells me I am blind, my situation is blind, and that I will only see darkness and never beauty.

It is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind and believe that this is it. This is it where it ends and there will never be a light at the end of the tunnel. But truth is God is light. He does not simply put off light. He created light and if He is in your situation it will not stay dark forever.

There will be times when He allows life to be dark. There will be times when He will allow things to look hopeless because it is in the darkness and in our weakness that He shows himself radiant and strong. It is okay if you do not know where the tunnel leads. It is okay if it seems like you are living the darkest night of your life because it is in the blackest times that we trust Him and feel Him more because He is the only hope we have and the only peace we feel.

So today, I want to encourage you. Life may seem hopeless. Today may feel like it will never end but do not allow the enemy to win and convince you that you are blind and that you will never see the light again because the darkness is a temporary sickness and not a permanent condition.

Forever Yours,


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