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Who Do You Say I Am?

I was recently asked how I would describe my view of God in one word and the defining moment He became that to me. Now, it may not seem like it at first but it is really a very

important question and something that I believe, at one time or another, every person will have to answer. Even Jesus asked His disciples that question when he questioned them by saying: “Who do you say I am?”

The past three years have been the rockiest, craziest, and hardest years of my life. I have had to release control of different areas of my life over to Him. Having to release those areas to Him has not be easy. At all. I have had to learn one the hardest lessons there is to learn: how to trust God and put my faith in Him. But whenever I finally decided to release the trials I was going through He has never stopped proving His word true or Himself faithful.

So for me there is no doubt in my mind or reluctance in my answer. The one word that defines my relationship view of Jesus is faithful.

The defining moment when Jesus became faithful to me was a night I will never forget. I can remember the moment so clearly as if I were reliving it all over again. I can still remember the desperation. I can still remember the fear. I can still remember the chaos that seemed to fill my life. But I can also still remember the power and freedom that flooded my soul the moment I decided the utter the scariest three words I have ever uttered: “I trust you.” It was in that moment that my relationship with God changed forever.

I have never felt as intimate or as close to Him as I did that night when my body was flat on the ground before Him and the tears were streaming down my face. My relationship with Him was altered when I decided to push past my fear and determine if I really trusted all of the claims that He makes about himself. I had a define the relationship the relationship moment with Jesus.

Once I let go of my worry and fear and decided to trust God with the burdens of my life, He has never stopped proving Himself faithful in every area of my life. Granted, He has not always done it when I wanted or the way I wanted. Sometimes it felt as though He was never going to come through and there have been times when I have questioned where He was. In the back of my heart though, I have never once doubted His plan or His goodness because I had that defining moment when told Him who I believed He was. I did not tell Him who my parents believed He was. I did not tell Him who my pastor believed he was. I did not tell Him who my friends believed He was. I told Him who I believed He was – trustworthy and faithful.

There is something so special when we not only believe but proclaim what we beliefs. Whenever we accept Christ as our Savior we believe in our hearts and then confess those beliefs with our mouth. It is one thing to read His promises and believe them in our heart, but it is completely life changing whenever we proclaim it with our mouth for our own ears to hear and our own minds to comprehend.

So I ask you a question that will define your relationship with Jesus. I ask you the same question Jesus asked His disciples and the same question He asked my fearful, trembling heart one night as I laid on a bedroom floor: “Who do you say I am?”

Forever Yours,


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